
Details — A single action in detail.
About the action rulebooks  

Standard actions which move the actor
Going , Entering , Exiting , Getting off 

Getting off something (past tense got off)

The getting off action is for actors who are currently on top of a supporter: perhaps standing on a platform, but maybe only sitting on a chair or even lying down in bed. Unlike the similar exiting action, getting off takes a noun: the platform, chair, bed or what have you.

Typed commands leading to this action

"get off/down [something]"

Rules controlling this action

check    an actor getting off  can't get off things rule   name  unlist   1

carry out    an actor getting off  standard getting off rule   name  unlist

report    an actor getting off  standard report getting off rule   name  unlist   1

report    an actor getting off  describe room stood up into rule   name  unlist

Click on the speech-bubble icons to see the responses, or here to see all of them:  2